Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eat like a Pilgrim this Thanksgiving

Some evidence exists of what the Pilgrims ate. Based on records left by William Bradford and others, historians have been able to piece together what the early settlers might have consumed. Here are two contemporary menus including foods that could have been on tables in 17th-century Plymouth. According to historical documents, all ingredients listed here were available to the early colonists. Whether they would have put them together in this way is merely educated conjecture.

Early Thanksgiving Menu

Lobster stewe with corn bread or mussels seethed (steamed) in beer
Roasted turkie , goose or venison with sauce of crane berries (cranberries)
Stewed pompion (pumpkin)
Rocket sallet (arugula salad)
 Indian pudding, crane berry slump
Ale, cider